July 11, 2024  10:00 AM GMT-4 – 10:30 AM GMT-4

Deep Future

The so-called Tech Industry is overwhelmingly a Software Industry. This has been a great ride, but there are a lot of important problems that won't be solved with just software.

Not coincidentally, the so-called Venture Capital Industry is overwhelmingly a Software Capital Industry. Hooked on the relative ease, reliability, low cost & fast growth of software projects, Venture is failing to advance other important technologies. More like Pee-Wee's adventure than Shackleton's.

Meanwhile, great advancements in science & technology give us new tools every day. Each one is a chance to ask ourselves, "does this change anything that Humans do?" Could we do something faster? Cheaper? Better? In a more humane way? Sometimes the answer is yes, but at this critical moment they often lack support.

Now is the time to repurpose all of our extraordinary experience developing software, our vast venture capital ecosystem, our tools & methodologies for rapid iteration & scaling - to aim all of this at solving the biggest problems in the world.

For anyone interested in using technology to create a better future for humans, I'll share some of my own experiences and thoughts on how we can make this happen.

Managing Partner
Deep Future
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