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Vicky Boudreau (she/her)

CEO, Heylist

Vicky aims to revolutionize influencer marketing at a tech marvel, empowering creators to monetize content. With a background in PR & Marketing, she promotes democratizing influencer marketing and expanding access to the creator economy.

Prior to Heylist, Vicky co-founded bicom, a MarComm agency refining industry expertise and leading a team of 40+ professionals. She has been recognized with the Arista Entrepreneur of the Year Prize and Top 40 under 40 PR in Canada. Vicky has also shared her entrepreneurial journey as a female founder on various thought leadership platforms.



Debate! The United States: An Unavoidable Market for Quebec Exports

We share one of the world's largest borders with our neighbors to the south. 63.4% of our Canadian exports go to the U.S... Everything points to the fact that the U.S. is unavoidable or even inevitable as the first market to explore in an export strategy. Our two teams of export-savvy entrepreneurs will debate this hot topic in an Oxford-style debate. Which team will influence or even change your opinion? Moderated by Étienne Crevier, this interactive segment is not to be missed! See More.
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